Travelling Together.

On Wednesday Matt and I travelled to Brighton to surprise my little brother on his graduation day. I'll do a full post about our fun filled trip once I've finished sorting through all of the photos I took but whilst I was looking through the first few pictures I started thinking about travelling. Travelling with Matt specifically. It's something I really enjoy doing but don't often appreciate fully. Adventures are definitely our thing and we're pretty relaxed about the travelling part. Well, when we're in the car I'm pretty relaxed. We could take a hundred wrong turns and I wouldn't stress in the slightest. When travelling by train Matt becomes the relaxed one, I worry a little more about connections and getting to the station on time. Once on the train though we have a good routine; a bag of mints, our kindles and our best conversations. I really enjoy train journeys with Matt.

(all photos from out train trip to Brighton 18.07.12)

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