Weekend Adventuring...

  1. Matt's wedding ring in the grass
  2. Matt walking along the canal on Saturday
  3. Blackberries!
  4. Ice cream for lunch!
  5. Bath Abbey. This is the first one I've ever taken even though I've lived in Bath 6 years!
  6. Matt relaxing in the grounds of Lacock Abbey
  7. Sundial at Lacock
  8. Bee! I'm so scared of them so I'm pretty proud I got this photo
  9. Plant life at Lacock
  10. A glimpse of Lacock Abbey through the trees
  11. Matt and I

This weekend was lovely. We spent Saturday walking along the canal and being tourists in our own city, eating ice cream for lunch and generally being silly. It was awesome. It was also the 9 month mark of our marriage. I can't believe we're three quarters of the way through our first year. It's going so fast! Sunday saw us heading to Lacock Abbey for their bee and honey day after waiting for a thunderstorm to pass. The day ended up being really warm and although the events of the honey day weren't great, Lacock was lovely as always. We spent a lot of time wandering the grounds and enjoying the unexpected sunshine.

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