Wednesday Challenge Update 01.08.12

From Goodreads
Heart-Shaped Box - Joe Hill

From Goodreads:
Judas Coyne is a collector of the macabre: a cookbook for cannibals...a used hangman's noose...a snuff film. An aging death-metal rock god, his taste for the unnatural is as widely known to his legions of fans as the notorious excesses of his youth. 
For a thousand dollars, Jude will become the proud owner of a dead man's suit, said to be haunted by a restless spirit. He isn't afraid. But what UPS delivers to his door in a black heart-shaped box is no imaginary or metaphorical ghost, no benign conversation piece. It's the real thing. And suddenly the suit's previous owner is everywhere. Waiting--with a gleaming razor blade on a chain dangling from one bony hand.

Not sure how I came across this book but I'm glad I did. Joe Hill is Stephen King's son and although this book is nowhere near as scary as some of King's stuff I still found it hard to put this book down. A nice twist on a traditional ghost story this book sees an angry, aggressive ghost haunting Coyne after he buys it for a thousand dollars. 

So, only one book this week. My reading has slowed down as I've started tackling Game of Thrones. I'm about half way through that so hopefully the number of books will pick back up soon. 
My total is now 37/50 and as always you can keep up with what I'm currently reading on my Goodreads page or look at past weeks for the book challenge here.

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