Sunday Adventure 18.12.11

We did it! We actually managed to have a Sunday adventure. This was our first one since getting married last month and it did not disappoint. We headed over to Lacock after a lovely breakfast at Cosy Club for a walk in the sunshine and a wander through the abbey.

Even though the sun was shining I was still pretty cold. Matt took the photos today because my hands were not functioning in the chilly temperature too well. It was still a fun trip though and we were joined by Matt's Dad which made the day even more enjoyable.

Since Matt was the photographer today we have hardly any pictures and not one of the two of us so you'll just have to take my word for it that it was an enjoyable, beautiful December day. I can't wait to be having regular Sunday adventures with my husband again soon. Here's one last photo of me that Matt took and I actually quite like, after some editing of course.....